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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

RROMA has a new team member

Starting from yesterday, the 29-th of November 2010, Bethany Weymer a young Peace Corps Volunteer joined the RROMA executive team. Bethany has a degree in Anthropology. She is 25 year old, full with energy and ready to share her experience with the rest of the youth of RROMA, but also to learn about youth empowerment and mobilization. She will be working with RROMA for two years. RROMA wishes her officially a warm welcome and hope that she will have a great time working with us.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Help RROMA ... donate!

All of you can help RROMA in various ways! If you like what RROMA is doing, donate and help RROMA to continue the work with Roma youth. RROMA is working on youth empowerment and mobilization through various creative methods and campaigning. Everyone can help RROMA either through attending on the RROMA actions, or be part of the workshops. Or make a small donation to RROMA!

Donations, big or small are welcome and will help RROMA to realize its goals and objectives, cover basic operational costs and activities costs.
If, you want to donate directly towards some of our activities, please come visit us in our office at:
Toso Kukovski str. bb, 1360 Kratovo or call us at: +389 31 48 11 89
For more information how to donate please contact us via e-mail at info@rromassn.org
RROMA will provide you with a valid document for every donation you make!
Thank you!

Донации, големи и мали, во најразличен облик се добредојдени и ќе им помогнат на младите од РРОМА во остварување на своите цели, покривање на основните оперативни трошоци и различните активности.
Ако сакате директно да дадете донација кон одредена активност, ве молиме посетете не во нашата канцеларија на:
Тошо Куковски бб, 1360 Кратово или јавете се на телефонскиот број:+389 31 48 11 89
За повеќе информации како да донирате, ве молиме да ни пишете на е-маилот: info@rromassn.org
РРОМА ќе ви издаде валиден документ за секоја направена донација!
Ви благодариме!

Don't let creativity die! Donate!
Не дозволувајте креативноста да изумре! Донирајте!

RROMA attended the MTV SAF training in London

RROMA was part of the training organized by the MTV Staying Alive Foundation in London. Facilitators of this training were the cool Gents and Ladies from Restless Development. We are really thankful for their sessions and time.
The Participants
The participants of this training were from Bangladesh, Poland, Russia, Pakistan, India, Egypt and of course Macedonia.

We had the opportunity to learn and share our experience on Organizational planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Financial Management, Fundraising and Partnerships, Media and Marketing.
It was great to recap and learn something new about M&E tools, development of log frames, data-flow diagrams etc. Also, to get to know your donor and prepare yourself ahead.

We had the chance to watch a documentary called "Me, myself and HIV", as SAF grantees were the first to have a look at it. Some quote from the documentary "If you are positive, be positive, If you are negative, don't be negative!"

The last evening before our departure we attended a Reception in honor of all SAF grantees. At this reception we met SAF staff members, as well board members and donors. We had the chance to talk to all of them.

We left London with a lot of new experience and new friendships. We are glad to have met all of the wonderful people there.
The most important thing that we learn from the training ... planning, planning and always plan ahead.
Mustafa Jakupov, Sara Piot, Daniela Janevska

RROMA creative methods and campaigning training

From the 8-th until the 10-th of October, RROMA was having a training in Prilep about creative methods and campaigning. The youth had the chance to learn about campaigning, why campaign and how, and also to practice campaigning.

Their creativity was challenged by RROMA's team through various exercises as for example to create a logo for their awareness campaign by using only 10 coins, a piece of paper, their mobile phone and a pen.

The youth had a lot of fun and through fun and learning, we manage to create a logo, our creative actions for our campaign, to create our first video footages for our campaign videos and our campaign materials.

Starting from the 1-st of December 2010 (World Aids Day) you will have a chance to see and be part of the RROMA actions. Enjoy in some of the photos! ;)

RROMA youth working on youth programs

The 1-st and 2-nd October were very important dates for the RROMA youth. It was the weekend were they learn about Program development and how to create their own programs and presenting them in front of their local self-governments.

The workshop was held in the hotel Cresevo Topce in Probistip. The youth had the opportunity to learn what a program is, analyze the problems, making their log-frame and in the end merge everything in one document.

At representatives from the municipalities of Kratovo and Probistip were also presented and help the youth by giving the advices from the aspect of working the local self-governments.

What is a program and what is not a program?

The programs that were created from this workshop are going to be proceed and presented to the local self-governments and councils in order to vote for the acceptance by this institutions, so the youth can have support to realize their ideas stated in these papers.

Analyzing their needs and presenting their problem tree

Researching the Roma communities ...

In the frame of the MTV SAF project, RROMA's coordinators collected data on HIV awareness in the municipalities of Kratovo, Probistip, Kocani, Veles Berovo and Vinica. All these communities are situated in the North-east region of Macedonia. Since, there was no data before, RROMA started to assess the knowledge in this region and to create the necessary data itself by doing a survey. 600 surveys have been printed out and given to Miki, Merlin and Bilent to proceed them. Each of them did 200 surveys.
This method helps RROMA to create a data, which has been not created before and up-date it on regular basis by having the RROMA youth doing researches, surveys, questionnaires etc.

Miki Mitevski, Merlin Jakupova, Bilent Kundevski
Coordinators of the MTV SAF project

We are collecting data in order to present it to the officials in order having them to react and prevent before it is too late. In this way, we are also promoting Roma youth as agents of change.

All the surveys have been returned to the RROMA office and data-processing has started. We will keep you up-dated with the findings of the research.