The project "Telo jek Kham-Unde the same sun" came to an end. This project brought together over 37 young people from 6 European countries to learn, discuss, share and present Human rights, as well to learn about the Roma genocide during WWII. The participants from Macedonia, Spain, Italy, Romania, Turkey and Germany had an opportunity to discuss Human rights, learn and feel discrimination, as well what does it mean to be privileged, also see a documentary about the Roma genocide during WWII and visit the Holocaust Memorial Centre in Skopje.
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Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Young people from 6 European countries participated in the project "Telo jek Kham-Under the same sun"
Friday, December 4, 2015
Започнува младинската размена "Telo jek Kham - Under the same sun"
Од 4-ти до 12-ти декември, РРОМА е домаќин на меѓународната младинска размена со наслов "Telo jek Kham - Under the same sun" . Размената се оддржува во хотел Кратис, каде што околу 40-тина млади луѓе од 6 европски држави, меѓу кои Македонија, Италија,