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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

R.O.M.A. launched the campaign in Macedonia

At the Regional centre for sustainable development in Kratovo, the national team of Macedonia for the "Typical Roma" campaign announced the official start of the international campaign in their country.

At this press conference were present regional and national media (radio Kanal77, newspaper "Dnevnik", Macedonian Television MTV, Protel TV), as well the editor of a regional TV youth program.

"Roma are not accepted as equal citizens, and are refused one of the universal human rights, namely the right to a dignified and worthy life..."-said Mustafa Jakupov, but "... for the first time Roma will have the chance to choose and make decisions in the first most Roma-friendly Mayor competition in the north-east region of Macedonia..."

The campaign will address stigmatization and stereotypes as root causes of social exclusion and raises the awareness for active citizenship of ALL in ONE society. The campaign itself will be consist by creative actions of the participants (installations, flash mobs, the Inclusion zone) to attract media attention as much as possible during the whole campaign.

"Students will have the opportunity to write about their Typical Roma in a essay contest..."-said Fetija Demirovska, member of the National team. Also, during the whole campaign "people will have the opportunity to have a look at the Roma comic that will be distributed in one of the national newspapers ... and get familiar with Roma life stories drawn as a comic ... " was explaining Daniela Janevska, president of the Roma Educational Youth Association and national team member "and people will also have the opporunity to see our creative research about what common people think about Roma..."

The national team of the "Typical Roma?" campaign for Macedonia consisted by the coordinators and members of the Roma Educational Youth Association (ROMA) hopes to have a successful and effective campaign.