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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Семинар во Берлин-Roma Genocide Remembrance Initiative

Се организира семинар во Берлин поврзан со темата на Ромскиот геноцид за време на втората светска војна. Повеќе информации има подолу. Заинтересираните треба да испратат е-маил и мотивационо писмо на info@rromassn.org, најдоцна до: 21.11.2014 година, 16.30 часот!!!

Seminar on Remembrance and Holocaust Education on the Roma Genocide
Venue: Berlin, Germany
Dates: December 13 – 16, 2014 (including travel days)

Short description
This “Seminar on Remembrance and Holocaust Education on the Roma Genocide” gathers 40 representatives of partner organizations, educational multipliers and youth activists in order to share experiences and practices, to work on the development of educational methods, tools and strategies, and to develop and coordinate future educational and advocacy actions. The seminar takes place in the framework of the Roma Genocide Remembrance Initiative of ternYpe International Roma Youth Network and a broad partnership of civil society organizations.
The seminar addresses the question how to empower young Roma to have a voice to become key agents of change, and to foster solidarity among young people! Moreover, the seminar creates a space for the participants to discuss about their vision for a different and just Europe. The participants discuss in the seminar, how young Roma and non-Roma can build a European culture based on respect, dialogue, human rights and equal opportunities. How can we create space for young people to become active citizens through empowerment, mobilization, self-organization and participation? It shall be discussed during the seminar how the wider official recognition of the Roma Genocide in Europe and the formal establishment of August 2nd as the memorial day of the Roma Genocide can be addressed in the civic educational work.
The methodology of the seminar includes media (films), input of experts and small working groups, in order to provide an intensive and practice-oriented working atmosphere. Specific educational methods and approaches shall be presented, as well as online and other educational tools shall be discussed and practiced. Furthermore, the seminar creates space for the participants to share their own experiences and to present their own positions and perspectives around the topics.

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